

Exemplary governance

The Oilinvest Group is strongly committed to good and exemplary governance. We believe it has been one of the key factors in our success to date and will continue to be so in the years ahead. We comply fully with best international practice at every level throughout the Group.

The subsidiaries in the European countries we operate in have policies for all priorities. Our risk & advisory committee engages continually with the board and regulators, helping ensure that we keep abreast of developments in this constantly changing landscape. Our Code of Conduct is designed to be simple, transparent, robust and easy to use.

Consistency is key, as is a Group-wide perspective. Common policies and procedures keep subsidiaries and Group policies aligned, ensuring that risks are controlled on a Group-wide basis. They also support our universal commitment to the highest ethical standards, and help all employees act always in the interests of the business while safeguarding our reputation, the people within and outside the company, and the environment.

Code of Conduct

Playing a major role in the energy sector, Oilinvest Group Companies face complex legal, commercial and regulatory challenges every day. The complexity and sensitivity of such challenges and the endeavours for sustainable development emphasise the importance of pursuing clearly defined values that Oilinvest accepts, acknowledges, shares and assumes its responsibilities for. This is embedded in the Code of Conduct.

Infringements of the Code may also be reported anonymously via the following link: